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Frankie's Radio Show, L'Ora ITaliana, Welcomes Bishop Jeffrey Monforton

L'Ora Italiana is a weekly Italian Radio Show co-hosted by Frankie DiCarlantonio. The Radio Show celebrates the Italian Heritage by dedicating songs to those in the Italian-American community, playing a wide variety of Italian music, and celebrating Italian holidays all throughout the year.

For the show on Sunday, December 5th, 2021, Frankie welcomed Diocese of Steubenville Bishop Jeffrey Monforton to the show for the second show as a part of the L'Ora Italiana's Christmas Season shows.

While on the show, Bishop Monforton spoke on the topic of keeping your Faith at the center of the Holiday Season, something that a lot of individuals lose in the hustle and bustle of the busy Holiday Season.

"While we celebrate such a wide variety of things on L'Ora Italiana, I feel that this is such an important topic," said Frankie. "In the hustle and bustle of season, a lot of people, including myself, forget the true reason of the season - including lessening the materialistic and celebratory markers of the season to spend time with family, connect with whatever Faith that you may celebrate, and much more. I hope that Bishop Monforton's message gives us tips and tricks to take a moment and be able to reconnect with the Holidays in a sense that we normally do not."

L'Ora Italiana can be heard each Sunday from 10:00 AM until 11:00 AM on River Talk Radio, a part of the River Network of Radio Stations. Radio stations in the Ohio Valley area include 100.1 FM/ 100.9 FM/ 1290 AM/ 1430 AM and can be streamed online at

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